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Close up of diver attaching coral fragments to the artificial reef, Kuda Huraa, North Male Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Ascending shot from the artificial reef, Kuda Huraa, North Male Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Close up of hard coral attached to artificial reef, Kuda Huraa, North Male Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Close up of hard coral attached to artificial reef with label, Kuda Huraa, North Male Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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Medium shot of artificial coral frame, Kuda Huraa, North Male Atoll, The Maldives
Format: XDCam EX 1080i50
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